Thursday, 13 September 2012 to Saturday, 15 September 2012

Programme : Lectures by Channels

Programme : Lectures by Channels

The Hock Region

Chair: Mr Andy Bathe
Sponsor: MSD Animal Health

The Sacro-iliac Region

Chair: Mr Andy Bathe
Sponsor: Equine Veterinary Journal

Medical Emergencies

Chair: Dr Tim Brazil

Mare endocrinology, endometritis and early pregnancy

Chair: Dr Madeleine Campbell

Advances in the Treatment of Lameness

Chair: Prof Peter Clegg
Sponsor: The Horse Trust

How To: Approach Selected Urogenital Conditions

Chair: Mr Richard Coomer


Chair: Mrs Karen Coumbe
Sponsor: University of Liverpool


Chair: Prof Paddy Dixon
Sponsor: The Horse Trust

Clinical Pathology

Chair: Mr Andy Durham
Sponsor: Equine Veterinary Journal


Chair: Dr Alastair Foote
Sponsor: Equine Veterinary Journal

The Conceptus - Healthy or Otherwise

Chair: Mr Huw Griffiths

Cardiology: Focus on the Pre-Purchase Exam

Chair: Dr Gayle Hallowell


Chair: Dr Patricia Harris
Sponsor: Equine Veterinary Journal

The Stifle

Chair: Dr Fran Henson
Sponsor: MSD Animal Health

Geriatric Orthopaedics

Chair: Miss Nicky Jarvis
Sponsor: Dechra Veterinary Products

How To: Avoid Common Surgical Pitfalls

Chair: Dr Jessica Kidd

Dermatology 2

Chair: Dr Tim Mair
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

How To: Perform Medical Tecnhiques

Chair: Prof Celia Marr


Chair: Dr Andy Matthews
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Respiratory Medicine

Chair: Prof Bruce McGorum
Sponsor: BreathEazy

The Equine Neck

Chair: Dr Graham Munroe
Linked with European Veterinary Conference Voorjaarsdagen

How To: Deal With Infectious Diseases

Chair: Dr Richard Newton

Infectious Diseases

Chair: Dr Richard Newton
Sponsor: Merial Animal Health

How To: Safeguard Equine Welfare in Challenging Situations

Chair: Mr Roly Owers

Dentistry 2

Chair: Mr Chris Pearce
Sponsor: The Horse Trust

Dermatology 1

Chair: Mr Rob Pilsworth
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Reproduction: Your Questions Answered

Chairs: Dr Jonathan Pycock, Dr Stef Bucca

Practice Management

Chair: Mr Michael Sadlier
Sponsor: Pfizer Animal Health


Chair: Mr Julian Samuelson

What's new in the assessment of proximal metacarpal region pain in sports horses?

Chair: Dr Ellen Singer
Sponsor: Equine Veterinary Journal

How To: Manage Problems in Competition

Chair: Dr Ellen Singer

The effects of training on the equine osteoarticular structures

Chair: Prof Rene Van Weeren
Sponsor: MSD Animal Health


Chair: Dr Renate Weller

Advanced Orthopaedic Surgical Techniques

Chair: Mr Ian Wright
Sponsor: MSD Animal Health

Anaesthesia Controversies Panel

Chair: Prof Eddie Clutton
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Current Affairs: The Firing Debate

Chair: Brigadier Paul Jepson

Medical Emergencies Panel: Welfare and Ethics

Chair: Dr Tim Mair

Ophthalmology Panel: Pre-Purchase Dilemmas

Chair: Dr Andy Matthews
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Current Affairs: The News Hour Congress Quiz

Chair: Mr Ben Mayes

Current Affairs: Paraprofessionals and Sports & Leisure Horse Insurance

Chair: Mr Henry Tremaine

Backs Panel

Chair: Prof Rene Van Weeren
Sponsor: Equine Veterinary Journal

Imaging Panel

Chair: Dr Renate Weller

Infectious Diseases Panel

Chair: Prof James Wood
Sponsor: Merial Animal Health

Opening Address

by BEVA President Mr Ben Mayes

Plenary Lecture

by John Walmsley

Prize Giving

Clinical Research: Soft Tissue Surgery

Chair: Kate Smith
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Clinical Research: Reproduction/Neonatology/Dentistry

Chair: Kate Smith
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Clinical Research: Epidemiology

Chair: James Wood
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Clinical Research: General Medicine

Chair: Mark Bowen
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Clinical Research: Imaging

Chair: Peter Milner
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Clinical Research: Cardio-Respiratory Medicine

Chair: Tim Brazil
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Clinical Research: Gastro-Intestinal Medicine/General Medicine

Chair: Mark Bowen
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Clinical Research: Orthopaedics

Chair: Jessica Kidd
Sponsor: University of Liverpool

Clinical Research: Orthopaedics/Infectious Diseases

Chair: Peter Milner
Sponsor: University of Liverpool


Hosted By

British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA)

BEVA is committed to serve and lead the equine veterinary profession in the championing of high standards of equine health and welfare and the promotion of scientific excellence and education throughout the world.

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