BSP Spring Meeting 2023


The 2023 British Society for Parasitology Spring Meeting will be held at the University of Edinburgh, in partnership with the British Ecological Society (BES). Edinburgh boasts a long association with protist parasitology (not least in training David Bruce!) and also benefits from strong links to ecology, both of which will be represented by distinct streams and keynote lectures. As well as welcoming all general parasitology themes across the discipline, there will be sessions dedicated to host-pathogen interactions, wild immunology, immunoparasitology, veterinary parasitology, and therapies and diagnostics. Confirmed speakers include Judi Allen, Robin Allshire, Simon Babayan, Jake Baum, Emma Cunningham, Simon Draper, Vanessa Ezenwa, De’Broski Herbert, Neil Mabbott, Iris Mair, Maria Mota, Monica Mugnier, Gérald Spaeth, Charles Wondji and Alena Zíková.

Venue: University of Edinburgh
Location: Edinburgh
Country: United Kingdom

Organiser Contact Details:
Julian Fuller

T: 01234211015


University of Edinburgh

Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

We are science based Charitable Incorporated Organisation

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