BSP Spring Meeting 2023

Dr Henry McSorley

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Dr Henry McSorley
University of Dundee
Delegate / Speaker


Ms Simone Altmann
University of Dundee
Mr Gustavo Bravo Ruiz
University of Dundee
Miss Flora Caldwell
Masters Student
University of Dundee
Dr Victoriano Corpas Lopez
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
University of Dundee
Dr Gourav Dey
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Dundee
Mr Jack Duggan
PhD Student
University of Dundee
Prof Alan Fairlamb
Professor Emeritus
University of Dundee
Prof Mark Field
University of Dundee
Prof David Horn
University of Dundee
Dr Marcus Lee
University of Dundee
Miss Marketa Novotna
University of Dundee
Dr Douglas O Escrivani
University of Dundee
Dr Norma Padilla-Mejia
University of Dundee
Dr Mattie Pawlowic
Principal Investigator
University of Dundee
Dr Melanie Ridgway
University of Dundee
Dr Simona Seizova
University of Dundee
Dr Anna Trenaman
University of Dundee
Dr Susan Wyllie
Principal Investigator
University of Dundee

Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

We are science based Charitable Incorporated Organisation

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