Wed3 Apr05:25pm(20 mins)
Teaching room 4
Methods: Data were collected in February 2023 with community members from Bugoto, a highendemicity community located in eastern Uganda on the shores of Lake Victoria through in-depth interviews (IDIs) (n=21) and focus group discussions (FGDs) (n=4). The IDIs were conducted with adult women and the FGDs were conducted with both women and men. The IDIs and FGDs with community members were conducted in Lusoga, the language spoke in Bugoto. Prior to the IDIs and FGDs, the study objectives and overview was read in Lusoga to the participant followed by obtaining consent through a signature or thumbprint. Thematic analyses were used to analyse the data. Data were coded into themes using the software NVIVO14. Iterative characterization was then utilized to analyse chosen themes using the process of descriptive, followed by Interpretive, analysis.
Findings/Discussion: Insights were obtained regarding non-drinking water usage patterns, including facilitators and barriers to accessing various water sources. This provided a contextual understanding of the community's water needs. Subsequently, analyses were conducted to determine preferences for future water infrastructure for non-drinking purposes, resulting in the identification of five major themes. These themes, coupled with observational data collected during the researcher's time in Bugoto will be presented and will inform the design of future interventions tailored to the community's preferences and requirements.