Sun7 Apr11:00am(15 mins)
Teaching Room 6
I will examine Losev’s book ‘Aesthetics of the Renaissance’ (1978) to describe his three strategies of using Marxism. Firstly, he used it in a complex intellectual game in which Marxist rhetorics, often reduced to absurdity (stiob), simultaneously had to be taken seriously as it was aimed at preventing ‘ideological’ critique from Soviet historians of the Renaissance. Secondly, he used, developed, and transformed Marxist concepts as well as implemented them in his critique of Modern subjectivity which combined features of Russian religious philosophy and Communist doctrine. Thirdly, Losev engaged with materialistic dialectics to develop his original conception of the Renaissance culture.
Thus, Losev’s example clearly demonstrates that the attitude of late-Soviet intellectuals towards Marxism was by no means reduced to ‘the resistance of the week’ (use of Aesopian language, ritual quotation, etc.). A closer analysis reveals different strategies even within a single text. It shows that there was no single authoritative discourse, but rather a space of complex and creative attempts to use and reconfigure the official Marxism.