BSP Spring Meeting 2023
Schedule : Back to Judith Allen

Macrophages & B cells - partners in nematode immunity

Wed12 Apr01:30pm(30 mins)
Appleton Tower 2
Keynote Speaker:
Judith Allen


J Allen11 University of Manchester, UK


The rodent nematode Litomosoides sigmondontis, which dwells in the pleural cavity, provides a unique model to study the host immune response to filarial infection. Resistance to infection is known to require adaptive immunity and IL-4 receptor alpha (IL-4Ra) signalling. However, the specific mechanisms that are involved in killing tissue-dwelling nematodes remain poorly understood. We recently found that during infection T cells and IL-4ra signalling drive the conversion of monocytes into tissue resident macrophages, which are essential for infection control. Infected mice that are genetically altered such that they cannot establish GATA6+ resident macrophages phenotypically mirror susceptible strains of mice. Unexpectedly, we found that the absence of resident macrophages results in a dramatic decline in B cell numbers at the infection site. Further experiments have revealed a surprising interdependence between B cells and macrophages that determines infection outcome.

Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

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