BASEES Annual Conference 2022

Privileges during a humanitarian catastrophe: the urban economy of Leningrad in 1941-1944.

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Alisa Amosova11 Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation


The objective goal of the speech in to present the specifics of the urban economy management of Leningrad, blocked during the Second World War (in 1941-1944) and to reveal the socio-cultural practices of daily existence in the city. The attention will be paid to the food supply aspects, as well as the housing policy, including issues related to accounting for the vacated living space, as well as the settlement of re-evacuated newcomers since 1943г.

The research aims to identify mechanisms of supply policy realization, as well as to form a holistic picture of the hierarchical system of distribution during the war. The focus will be on identifying privileged groups in the supply system, also on the problem of abuse in the housing and utilities sector will be analyzed. Also the question of the privileges of the Soviet and party elite of Leningrad will be considered.

The study is based on a corpus of materials from the archives of St. Petersburg, Moscow, oral history data (a series of interviews with relatives of Leningrad leading cadres), and periodicals. The methodological basis of the research contains the institutional approach, the study of socio-cultural practices of daily existence in a blocked city, emotionology, intent analysis.

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