BSP Spring Meeting 2018
Schedule : Back to Rachel Francoeur

Impact of malaria coinfections on S. mansoni clearance, intensity and reinfection rates


R Francoeur1; A Atuhaire2; A Wamboko2; P H Lamberton11 Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and comparative Medicine, and Wellcome Centre for Parasitology, University of Glasgow, UK;  2 Vector Control Division, Ministry of Health, Uganda


Schistosomiasis and malaria are the two most significant human parasitic diseases. Schistosomiasis is a commonly occurring neglected tropical disease with over 240million people infected globally. In 2016, there were 216 million cases of malaria worldwide resulting in an estimated 731,000 deaths. Praziquantel is the standard chemotherapeutant in treating schistosomiasis however, in certain endemic hotspots, despite over a decade of mass drug administration (MDA), infection intensities and prevalence remain higher.  Past studies indicate a correlation between increased risk of malaria contraction in individuals with schistosomiasis. However, it is unknown if malarial infections play a role in susceptibility to reinfection with schistosomiasis, nor whether drug efficacy is influenced. This study investigates the impact of malaria coinfections on Schistosoma mansoni includinginfection intensity, clearance post treatment, and reinfection rates.Samples were obtained from 197 school children aged 6-14 in the Mayuge district of Uganda who were tested for S. mansoni and Plasmodium falciparum. Infection data were obtained using Kato-Katz for S. mansoni egg counts and RDT tests for P. falciparum. Results from regression analysis will be presented on correlations between co-infected individuals, clearance, and reinfection rates compared with those infected with only S. mansoni.  These results will contribute to a broader biostatistical study looking at host factors that influence S. mansoni clearance. 

Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

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