BSP Spring Meeting 2018
Schedule : Back to Susan Wyllie

Drug target deconvolution in the kinetoplastids

Mon9 Apr11:15am(30 mins)
Stream 1 - Edward Llwyd 0.26 Biology Main
Keynote Speaker:
Susan Wyllie


S Wyllie11 University of Dundee, UK


Dr Susan Wyllie has more than 15 years of experience studying kinetoplastid biology. Specifically, her research has focused on determining the mechanisms of action and mechanisms of resistance of drugs targeting kinetoplastid parasites. Her talk will detail her recent work leading the Mode of Action Group at the University of Dundee. Specifically, she will detail the groups: -Use of complementary methodologies in the fields of genomics, chemical proteomics and cell biology to determine the modes of action and specific molecular targets of phenotypically-active compounds -Development of new genetic and cell biology tools to facilitate the study of drug mechanism of action in the kinetoplastids -Functional characterisation of novel targets -Development of novel cell-based assays to exploit high value drug targets

Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

We are science based Charitable Incorporated Organisation

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