Venturefest Yorkshire 2016

Google Digital Garage - Reach New Customers Online

Wed16 Nov10:00am(45 mins)
Box A - Speakers Corner


Venturefest Yorkshire is very excited to be partnering up with
The Digital Garage from Google 
- a digital skills training platform to assist you in growing your business, career and confidence, online. Furthermore, a Google digital expert is coming to teach you what is needed to gain a competitive advantage in the ever changing digital landscape, so come prepared to learn and ask questions, too.
FREE to Delegates
TWO SESSIONS : 10-11 am and 3-4 pm

Hosted By

Make It York

Make It York (York’s Destination Organisation) has an overarching remit to market the city and its surroundings – nationally and internationally - as a vibrant and attractive place to live to visit, study, work and do business.

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