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Discovery of Novel Antimalarial Agents by Structure-Based Design and Multi-Parameter Lead Optimisation

Thu15 Sep03:00pm(15 mins)
Ken Wade


M J McPhillie3; J A Gordon3; P J Kocienski3; S Wittlin1; C W Roberts4; G McConkey3; A P Johnson3; R McLeod2; C W Fishwick31 Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute, Switzerland;  2 University of Chicago, United States;  3 University of Leeds;  4 University of Strathclyde


Our research group at Leeds has expertise in the structure-guided optimisation of small molecule inhibitors of two parasitic diseases: malaria and toxoplasmosis. A validated drug target in both causative organisms is the mitochondrial electron transport chain (mtETC) responsible for (i) maintaining an electro-potential across the inner membrane and (ii) regeneration of ubiquinone to support pyrimidine biosynthesis. Our research efforts have focussed on two elements of this chain: cytochrome bc1 (complex III) and dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH). Here we describe the lead optimisation of two novel compound series targeting these proteins.

Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

We are science based Charitable Incorporated Organisation

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