1 Queen's University Belfast; 2 Queen's University Belfast Discussion
Neuropeptides are enriched and highly conserved across nematode species with diverse life styles. Intriguingly, these common genetic resources coordinate highly specialised and distinct aspects of behaviour across economically important parasites of plant, insect and mammal. Elucidating the signalling mechanisms underlying the diversity of behaviours which are coordinated by neuropeptides will lend fundamental insight, and could lead to the development of broad spectrum nematicides which harness the untapped potential of neuropeptidergic signalling systems. Here we present data on the function and localisation of FMRFamide-like peptide 21 across economically important plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs) and entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs). Immunocytochemistry reveals distinct expression patterns within the anterior neuronal system, and RNAi suggests key roles in the coordination of sensory signals into distinct behaviours; host-finding in PPNs, nictation and jumping in EPNs.