BSP Spring Meeting 2016, London - From Science to Solutions: optimising control of parasitic diseases
Programme : Back to BERNICE UDOH

Malaria infection in relation to poor glycemic control and anaemia among type 2m diabetes mellitus patients in Lagos, Nigeria.

Tue12 Apr03:15pm(15 mins)
Lt 311 - Huxley Building



Nigeria is plagued with the tetrad burden of HIV, TB, Malaria and T2DM. While the management of T2DM is compromised by poor glycemic control , and evidence exist to support the interactions of diabetes with HIV and TB, information on diabetes- malaria co-infection is currently lacking in the country. In this cross-sectional study , a total of 210 stable T2DM patients ( mean age, 54.5y; 59.2 males) under conventional glycemic control at six private health facilities in Alimosho L.G.A, Lagos were consecutively enrolled between May- July, 2015. A pre- tested semi structured questionnaire was used to obtained socio-demographic and clinical profiles of the patients. Under a fasting state, blood glucose and PCV were measured from venous blood using spectrophotometric and capillary- microhaematocrit methods. Malaria infection was diagnosed by RDT, Light microscopy, and PCR. Poor glycemic control was defined as FBG>130mg/dl and anaemia as PCV<36%. Data were analysed using SPSS version 17.0. Of the 210 T2DM patients enrolled, prevalence of poor glycemic control was 66.7%, anaemia was 17.6%( in whom 70% had asymptomatic malaria), malaria was 17.6%, 8.1%,2.4% by PCR, Microscopy, and RDT respectively. With the pooling of parasite density and PCV data in the T2DM patients with good and poor glycemic control, significant inverse correlation (r = -0.65, < 0.05) was found between parasite density and PCV. Findings from this study indicate that asymptomatic falciparum malaria infection is a burden among T2DM patients in the study area with potential to induce anaemia and poor glycemic control.

Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

We are science based Charitable Incorporated Organisation

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