BSP Spring Meeting 2016, London - From Science to Solutions: optimising control of parasitic diseases
Programme : Back to Rami Mukbel

Typing and subtyping of Cryptosporidium from human and animals in Jordan

Tue12 Apr11:45am(15 mins)
Lt 311 - Huxley Building


R M MukbelN S HijjawiM Abu-HalawehU Ryan 1 Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan;  2 Murdoch University, Australia;  3 Philadelphia University, Jordan;  4 The Hashemite University, Jordan


Cryptosporidium is an important diarrhoea-causing parasite that has a global impact on the health and survival of millions of people and animals worldwide. Virtually nothing is known about the prevalence and distribution of human and animals genotypes and subtypes of cryptosporidium in Jordan. A total of 880 human and 4245 animal (956 sheep, 962 goat, 915 cattle, 920 equine and 492 chickens) fecal samples were collected from 5 geographical areas. Samples examined microscopically and positive samples were further analyzed using PCR and sequencing for typing and subtyping. At total infection rate reached 8.52% in human while 23.86% in animals. So far, molecular analysis reported  (subtypes IIdA20G1 and IIaA15G2R1) and C. hominis (subtypes 1bA9G3 and 1bA10G2R2) from human samples. Animals samples had C. xiaoi, C. andersoniC. ryanae and C. parvum (subtype IIaA19G2R1 and IIaA16GR1).  

Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

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