Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine
Where: C13
Abcam is a global life science company enabling scientific breakthroughs by serving life scientists to achieve their mission, faster. We identify, develop, and provide high-quality biological reagents, protein tools and custom cell engineering to drive crucial research, drug discovery, diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Collaborating across the life science industry, our aim is that all life scientists will have access to the newest and best proteomic research tools and solutions. Our innovative products help accelerate the global understanding of biology and enable discoveries that positively impact society, including advances in human health, sustainable agriculture and environmental management.
Tel: +44 (0)1223 696000
Address: Abcam plc, Discovery Drive,
Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge,
Website: https://www.abcam.com/
Email: events@abcam.com

Staff Attending

Dr Emma Ghaffari
Field Application Scientist
Abcam PLC
Ms Dawna Newcomb
Commercial Director, Proteins
Dr Michel Popielarz
FirePlex Sales Specialist
Abcam, Plc
Mr Michel Popielarz
Senior Sales Specialist
Miss Jessica Rietbrock
Strategic Account Manager
Mr Theo Wilson
Senior Strategic Marketing Manager
Mr Paul Wylie
Director of Multiplex