
the MyEventflo App

Android Version

Go to the Google Store and search for 'myEventflo'

myEventflo App

The myEventflo App displays event information to people registered for events run through the myEventflo platform. This includes speaker, exhibitor and delegate information. Personal contact details are not shown (email/phone) and contact between attendees is through our platform. All attendees except speakers have an option to not display their profile or be listed in the app and website. The App can produce a QRCode based on ticket and registration information and this is used for badge scanning at the event entrance. Information may be sent to exhibitors where permissions are given but this is not done through the App. No tracking or logging is done in the App.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, please contact: myEventflo is a brand and trading name of Andrew Stuart, UK