Tuesday, 30 November 2021 to Wednesday, 1 December 2021


Jonathan White
Charles River Laboratories
1A FACS assay to measure activation of human cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and CD73-dependent suppression by AMP
Kirsty McBain
2Evaluation of Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapies using a Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction (MLR) Assay
Matthew Haley
ZEISS Microscopy
3From Image to Results: Organoid Analysis
Kirsty McBain
4Quantify T Cell Response in 3D Tumor Spheroids Using Advanced Flow Cytometry and Live-Cell Analysis
Adam Peall
Aurelia Bioscience
5Development of a Robust Screening Cascade to Identify Small Molecule Inhibitors of a DNA Damage Response Protein
Paul Wylie
6Accelerating high-throughput screening with FirePlex®-384: An automatable, multiplex immunoassay using FirePlex Particle Technology
Dermott O'Callaghan
7Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles: Highly fluorescent imaging agents for flow cytometry, microscopy, diagnostics, tumour margin labelling and photodynamic therapy applications.
Mebs Surve
Swift Analytical Ltd
8An innovative flow-based biophysical method to perform the mass-density characterization of 3D tumor spheroids with preserved viability
Count: 8
