British Society of Neuroradiologists Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
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Thu 6 October
7 October
8 October
DAY 1Rum WarehouseMezzanine 3Mezzanine
DAY 1Rum WarehouseMezzanine 3Mezzanine
8:00 Registration Refreshments 8:00:
8:05: 8:05:
8:10: 8:10:
8:15: 8:15:
8:20: 8:20:
8:25: 8:25:
8:30: 8:30:
8:35: 8:35:
8:40: 8:40:
8:45: 8:45:
8:50: 8:50:
8:55: 8:55:
9:00 Welcome - Dr Danny Birchall, President BSNR
09:00 (5 mins)
Welcome - Dr Samantha Mills, Liverpool
09:00 (5 mins)
Opening Session
Chairs: Shubhabrata Biswas, The Walton Centre  Stefan Schwarz, University Hospital of Wales  

Imaging Neurodegeneration
09:05 (55 mins)
António Bastos Leite, University of Porto  

Movement disorders
10:00 (30 mins)
Antonella Macerollo, The Walton Centre   

MRI safety -iMRI/HiFU/Implants and Devices
09:05 (35 mins)
Mark Radon, The Walton Centre   

Research as a radiographer
09:40 (35 mins)
Carolyn Costigan, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust  
9:10: 9:10:
9:15: 9:15:
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9:30: 9:30:
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9:55: 9:55:
10:00 10:00
10:05 10:05
10:10 10:10
10:15 Break Poster viewing Industry exhibition 10:15
10:20 10:20
10:25 10:25
10:30 10:30
10:35 10:35
10:40 10:40
Claustrophobia- adults
10:45 (30 mins)
Lisa Weights, The Walton Centre Foundation Trust Hospital  

Play Therapy - children
11:15 (30 mins)
Charlotte Swain, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust  

GA and sedation MRI
11:45 (30 mins)
Lucia Misquita, University College London  
10:50 10:50
10:55 10:55
Oncology Session
Chairs: Adam Waldman, University of Edinburgh  

Preclinical oncology imaging
11:00 (40 mins)
Harish Poptani, University of Liverpool  

11:40 (35 mins)
Michael Jenkinson, The Walton Centre & University of Liverpool  

Imaging features associated with H3 K27-altered and H3 G34-mutant gliomas: a systematic review
12:15 (5 mins)
Gehad Abdalla, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery  

Volumetric segmentation of meningiomas; a novel method using semiautomatic variational analysis.
12:20 (5 mins)
Jay Patel, The Walton Centre  

Radiological – histological grading concordance in T2-FLAIR mismatch astrocytoma
12:25 (15 mins)
Jian Ping Jen, University Hospitals Birmingham  
11:05 11:05
11:10 11:10
11:15 11:15
11:20 11:20
11:25 11:25
11:30 11:30
11:35 11:35
11:40 11:40
11:45 11:45
11:50 11:50
11:55 11:55
12:00 12:00
12:05 12:05
12:10 12:10
12:15 Lunch Poster viewing Industry exhibition 12:15
12:20 12:20
12:25 12:25
12:30 12:30
12:35 12:35
12:40 12:40
12:45 12:45
12:50 12:50
12:55 12:55
1:00 1:00:
1:05: 1:05:
1:10: 1:10:
1:15: 1:15:
1:20: 1:20:
1:25: 1:25:
Standardising/Optimising/Managing Efficiency/Reporting MRI
13:30 (45 mins)
Samantha Mills, The Walton Centre  Martin Mitchell, Canterbury Christ Church University  
1:35: 1:35:
1:40: 1:40:
13:45 (45 mins)
Aveensh Chhabra, UT Southwestern Medical Center  

Peripheral Nerve surgery
14:30 (45 mins)
Chye Yew Ng, Wrightington Hospital  

Out of hours lumbar spine MRI for suspected cauda equina compression; Experiences within a tertiary neurosciences centre
15:15 (5 mins)
Tiffany Lau, Royal Victoria Infirmary   

The role of Anticoagulation in determining risk of traumatic brain injury – overly generalised and poorly assessed
15:20 (5 mins)
Kevin Kow, University Hospitals of North Midlands  

Factors associated with increased risk of intracranial injury - a UK Trauma Centre experience
15:25 (5 mins)
Kevin Kow, University Hospitals of North Midlands  
1:50: 1:50:
1:55: 1:55:
2:00 2:00:
2:05: 2:05:
2:10: 2:10:
2:15: Neuroradiographers Forum - discussion
14:15 (60 mins)
2:20: 2:20:
2:25: 2:25:
2:30: 2:30:
2:35: 2:35:
2:40: 2:40:
2:45: 2:45:
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2:55: 2:55:
3:00 3:00:
3:05: 3:05:
3:10: 3:10:
3:15: Break Poster viewing Industry exhibition 3:15:
3:20: 3:20:
3:25: 3:25:
3:30: 3:30:
3:35: 3:35:
3:40: 3:40:
3:45: 3:45:
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3:55: 3:55:
James Bull Lecture
Chairs: Samantha Mills, The Walton Centre  Tilak Das, Cambridge University Hospitals  

Adventures in Emerging Brain Infections
16:00 (60 mins)
Tom Solomon, University of Liverpool  
James Bull Lecture - Joint session with BSNR ASM in the Rum Warehouse
16:00 (60 mins)
4:05: 4:05:
4:10: 4:10:
4:15: 4:15:
4:20: 4:20:
4:25: 4:25:
4:30: 4:30:
4:35: 4:35:
4:40: 4:40:
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4:55: 4:55:
5:00 Annual Business Meeting of the BSNR
17:00 (60 mins)
5:05: 5:05:
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5:25: 5:25:
5:30: 5:30:
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5:55: 5:55:
6:00 6:00: