BSP Spring Meeting 2018
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8 Apr
9 Apr
10 Apr
Wed 11 April
There are 7 rooms - drag the view left and right to see more
Great Hall, Arts CentreStream 1 - Edward Llwyd 0.26 Biology MainStream 2 - Llandinam A6Stream 3 - Physics 0.15 MainStream 4 - Edward Llwyd 0.01
Stream 5 - IBERS 0.33 (Monday), Physisc 0.11 (Tuesday & Wednesday)Students Union BuildingDAY 4
8:00 8:00 Registration 8:00:
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Omics II
Chairs: Martin Swain, University of Aberystwyth  
Stream 1 - Edward Llwyd 0.26 Biology Main
Helminth glycans at the host-parasite interface
09:30 (30 mins)
Keynote Speaker: Cornelis Hokke, Leiden University Medical Center  

Details Matter - Consistent, comparative and evidence-based genome annotation and re-annotation for the closely-related species, Cryptosporidium parvum, C. hominis and C. tyzzeri reveal surprising similarities and differences
10:00 (15 mins)
Jessica Kissinger, University of Georgia  

Regulation of RNA-binding protein stability and function by PRMT7-dependent arginine methylation in Leishmania
10:15 (15 mins)
Tiago Ferreira, University of York  

Population genomics of Guinea worm eradication
10:30 (15 mins)
James Cotton, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute  

Deciphering gonad-transcriptomes in Schistosoma mansoni provides novel and exploitable insights for basic and applied research
10:45 (15 mins)
Christoph G. Grevelding, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen  
Vector - Parasite - Microbiome Interactions and Interventions. Sponsor - Royal Entomological Society
Chairs: Lisa Reimer, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine  
Stream 2 - Llandinam A6

Attach and infect – Identification of a mosquito receptor for the Plasmodium ookinete
10:00 (15 mins)
Florian Brod, University of Oxford  

Exploring the salivary N-glycome of bloodfeeding arthropods and their relevance in pathogen transmission
10:15 (15 mins)
Karina Mondragon-Shem, LSTM  
Helminths: Cell & Molecular Biology
Chairs: Tim Yoshino, University of Wisconsin-Madison  
Stream 3 - Physics 0.15 Main
Molecular analysis of schistosome reproductive development
09:30 (30 mins)
Keynote Speaker: Jim Collins, UT Southwestern Medical Cente  

SGTP4–mediated glucose uptake in Schistosoma mansoni is regulated through Akt/PKB signalling
10:00 (15 mins)
Anthony Walker, Kingston University  

Somatic genome editing in the multicellular blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni
10:15 (15 mins)
Paul Brindley, George Washington University  

A propeptide ‘clamp’ mechanism is required for inhibition of Fasciola hepatica Collagenolytic Cathepsin L3
10:30 (15 mins)
Carolina De Marco Verissimo, Queen's University Belfast  

Maternal nematode infection induces transcription of Long-term potentiation in the postnatal brain via Wnt signaling
10:45 (15 mins)
Manjurul Haque, McGill University  
Ecological Parasitology: Aquatic Parasitology II
Chairs: Joseph Ironside, Aberystwyth University  
Stream 4 - Edward Llwyd 0.01
Pathogens associated with aquaculture may have wider ecosystem impacts
09:30 (30 mins)
Keynote Speaker: Sarah Culloty, University College Cork  

Spatio-temporal variation of trematode parasites community in Cerastoderma edule cockles from Ria de Aveiro (Portugal)
10:00 (15 mins)
Luísa Magalhães, University of Aveiro  

Fussy Fluffy Fiend? Investigating Host-Specificity of Saprolegnia parasitica Isolates
10:15 (15 mins)
Emily Matthews  

Can parasites be a drag? Impact of Argulus fish lice on host swimming performance
10:30 (15 mins)
Rhiannon Hunt, Cardiff University  

Use of in vivo fluorescent dyes to determine the infectivity and penetration pattern of Cardiocephaloides longicollis (Trematoda, Strigeidae) into the gilt-head seabream
10:45 (15 mins)
Gabrielle van Beest, Universitat de Valencia  
Veterinary Parasitology Symposium - Wildlife Parasitology
Chairs: Joanne Webster, Royal Veterinary College  
Stream 5 - IBERS 0.33 (Monday), Physisc 0.11 (Tuesday & Wednesday)
Is wildlife relevant to helminth control in livestock?
09:30 (30 mins)
Keynote Speaker: Eric Morgan, Queen's University Belfast  

Multi-locus sequence typing of Neospora caninum
10:00 (15 mins)
John Ellis, University of Technology Sydney   

Parasites of badgers in the Republic of Ireland- an untold story
10:15 (15 mins)
Rachel Byrne, Trinity College Dublin  

The toad fly Lucilia bufonivora: its evolutionary status and molecular identification
10:45 (15 mins)
Gerardo Arias Robledo, University of Bristol   
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Wright Medal Lecture
Chairs: Martin Taylor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine  
Great Hall, Arts Centre
Trypanosomes get under your skin
11:45 (45 mins)
Keynote Speaker: Annette MacLeod, University of Glasgow  
11:45 11:45
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12:30 BSP AGM and Event
12:30 (30 mins)
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1:00 1:00 Lunch Break 1:00:
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Host -Vector- Parasite Interactions III
Chairs: Jesus Valenzuela, NIAID  
Stream 1 - Edward Llwyd 0.26 Biology Main
Follow the light: a trypanosomes’ journey into the tsetse ectoperitrophic space
14:15 (30 mins)
Keynote Speaker: Alvaro Acosta-Serrano, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine  

Characterisation of genes important for the successful life cycle completion of Trypanosoma brucei in the tsetse
14:45 (15 mins)
Aitor Casas-Sanchez, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine  

Shape-shifting trypanosomes from the tsetse proventriculus
15:00 (15 mins)
Lori Peacock, university of bristol  

Swim like your lifecycle depends on it: The impact of motility on the survival of Leishmania parasites.
15:15 (15 mins)
Rachel Findlay, University of York  

Ecology of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ochollo, a hotspot in Southern Ethiopia
15:30 (15 mins)
Myrthe Pareyn, Universiteit Antwerpen  
Protozoa: Cryptosporidium & Giardia. Sponsor - PLOS NTDs
Chairs: Rachel Chalmers, Public Health Wales  
Stream 2 - Llandinam A6
Recent advances in Giardia and Cryptosporidium genotyping
14:15 (30 mins)
Keynote Speaker: Karin Troell, National Veterinary Institute  

Mining the Genome of Cryptosporidium to Elucidate Transmission Cycles.
14:45 (15 mins)
Arthur Morris, Aberystwyth University  

Acute Symptoms and Long-term sequelae of Human Cryptosporidiosis – a prospective study
15:00 (15 mins)
Bethan Carter, Swansea University   

Giardia duodenalis in Ugandan children: field application of recombinase polymerase amplification and determination of assemblages.
15:15 (15 mins)
Tapan Bhattacharyya, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine  

Giardia Secretome Highlights Secreted Tenascins as a Key Component of Pathogenesis
15:30 (15 mins)
Kevin Tyler, University of East Anglia  
Helminths: Epidemiology & Field Work. Sponsor - Elsevier
Chairs: Shona Wilson, Dept of Pathology, Uni of Cambridge  
Stream 3 - Physics 0.15 Main

Schistosoma mansoni praziquantel treatment: low coverage driven by systematic non-compliers or systematically not offered?
14:45 (15 mins)
Poppy Lamberton, University of Glasgow  

Impact of malaria coinfections on S. mansoni clearance, intensity and reinfection rates
15:00 (15 mins)
Rachel Francoeur, Rachel Francoeur  

Alternative strategies for onchocerciasis elimination in loiasis co-endemic areas: test-and-treat with doxycycline in combination with targeted vector control in South West Cameroon
15:15 (15 mins)
Louise Hamill, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine  

Elimination within reach: lymphatic filariasis persists in rural Ghana due to sub-optimal intervention coverage and adherence
15:30 (15 mins)
Ecological Parasitology: Ecological Modelling
Chairs: Chrisophe Eizaguirre, Queen Mary, University of London  
Stream 4 - Edward Llwyd 0.01
Understanding transmission dynamics in multihost communities
14:15 (30 mins)
Keynote Speaker: Andy Fenton, University of Liverpool  

The impact of exposure heterogeneity on onchocerciasis transmission and control/elimination
15:00 (15 mins)
Jonathan Hamley, Imperial College London  

Biodiversity dilution and amplification effects in tick-borne diseases: an eco-epidemiological modelling approach.
15:15 (15 mins)
Flavia Occhibove, Aberystwyth University  

Macroparasites are indirect drivers of hantavirus transmission.
15:30 (15 mins)
Joanne Lello, Cardiff University  
Veterinary Parasitology Symposium - Sheep Scab
Chairs: Richard Wall, University of Bristol  
Stream 5 - IBERS 0.33 (Monday), Physisc 0.11 (Tuesday & Wednesday)

Treatment strategies for sheep scab: an economic model of farmer behaviour
14:45 (15 mins)
Emily Nixon, University of Bristol  

The prevalence and distribution of sheep scab in Wales: a farmer questionnaire survey
15:00 (15 mins)
Hannah Rose Vineer, University of Bristol  

Resistance to macrocyclic lactones, in Psoroptes ovis sheep scab mites
15:15 (15 mins)
Richard Wall, University of Bristol  
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