BSP Spring Meeting 2016, London - From Science to Solutions: optimising control of parasitic diseases

11 April
12 April
Wed 13 April
[Schedule with Talks]
Lt 308 - Huxley BuildingGreat Hall - Sherfield BuildingLt 311 - Huxley BuildingLt 340 - Huxley BuildingPoster / Exhibition hall - Sherfield BuildingDAY 3
8:00 Registration in Main foyer of Sherfield Building 8:00:
8:10: 8:10:
8:20: 8:20:
8:30: 8:30:
8:40: 8:40:
8:50: 8:50:
BES: 5 - Co-infections
Chairs: Ruth Kirk, School of Life Sciences  
NTDs: 5 - Functional Genomics
Chairs: Russell Stothard, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine  
Apicomplexa: 4 - Chemotherapy and Control I
Chairs: Andrew Blaborough, Imperial College London  
Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis: 4 - Diagnostics
Chairs: Michael Barrett, University of Glasgow  
9:10: 9:10:
9:20: 9:20:
9:30: 9:30:
9:40: 9:40:
9:50: 9:50:
10:00 10:00
10:10 10:10
10:20 10:20
10:30 Tea and Coffee in main exhibition hall Tea and Coffee 10:30
10:40 10:40
10:50 10:50
BES: 6 - General Parasite Ecology
Chairs: Jo Cable, University of Cardiff  
NTDs: 6 - In Vitro and In Vivo Molecular Insights
Chairs: Karl Hoffman, University of Aberystwyth  
Apicomplexa: 5 - Chemotherapy and Control II
Chairs: Ilaria Russo, Univeristy of Manchester  
11:10 11:10
11:20 11:20
11:30 11:30
11:40 11:40
11:50 11:50
12:00 12:00
12:10 12:10
12:20 12:20
12:25 (20 mins)
12:30 12:30
12:40 12:40
Optional Wormbase workshop (room CLORE 270)
12:45 (75 mins) is a web-based resource for storing, analyzing and exploring the genomes of helminth parasites. The database contains annotated genomes for 90 species of nematode and platyhelminth. In this workshop, we will provide an introduction to WormBase ParaSite, and walk through its major features and tools. You will need to bring a laptop with a standard browser, connected to the wireless internet. To attend the workshop, please fill in this short form:
Modelling Workshop
12:45 (75 mins)
Free Modelling Workshop. An introductory talk by Drs Deidre Hollingsworth and Kat Rock on what models can do for you. Then speed presentations (1-3 slides) from modellers and early career researchers, who might want to work with modellers. This will be followed by an interactive session to help introduce and bring together epidemiologists and modellers. Please email your interest in presenting a speed talk to Alison (, or sign up to just attend and or simply just find out
12:50 12:50
1:00 1:00:
1:10: 1:10:
1:20: 1:20:
1:30: 1:30:
1:40: 1:40:
1:50: 1:50:
BES: 7 - Aquatic Parasitology and Perturbations
Chairs: Scott Paul Lawton, Kingston University  
NTDs: 7 - Controll, elimination and diagnostics I
Chairs: David Rollinson, Natural History Museum  
Apicomplexa: 6 - Cell biology
Chairs: Paul Horrocks, Keele University  
Helminth Signalling and Developmental Parasitology I
Chairs: Johnathan Dazell, Queen's University Belfast  
2:10: 2:10:
2:20: 2:20:
2:30: 2:30:
2:40: 2:40:
2:50: 2:50:
3:00 3:00:
3:10: 3:10:
Tea and Coffee in main exhibition hall Tea and Coffee
3:20: 3:20:
3:30: 3:30:
3:40: 3:40:
BES: 8 - General Wildlife and Plant Parasitology
Chairs: Nico Smit, North-West University  
NTDs: 8 - Control, elimination and diagnostics II
Chairs: Steffi Knopp, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and Natural History Museum, London  
Apicomplexa: 7 - Cell and Molecular Biology
Chairs: Rita Tewari, University of Nottingham  
Helminth Signalling and Developmental Parasitology II
Chairs: Mario de Bono , MRC - Laboratory of Molecular Biology  
3:50: 3:50:
4:00 4:00:
4:10: 4:10:
4:20: 4:20:
4:30: 4:30:
4:40: 4:40:
4:50: 4:50:
Plenary 6
5:10: 5:10:
5:20: 5:20:
5:30: 5:30:
5:40: 5:40:
5:50: 5:50:
6:00 6:00:
6:10: 6:10:
6:20: 6:20:
6:30: Break 6:30:
6:40: 6:40:
6:50: 6:50:
7:00 BSP Gala Dinner
19:00 (180 mins)
In the senior common room on the first floor
7:10: 7:10:
7:20: 7:20:
7:30: 7:30:
7:40: 7:40:
7:50: 7:50:
8:00 8:00:
8:10: 8:10:
8:20: 8:20:
8:30: 8:30:
8:40: 8:40:
8:50: 8:50:
9:00 9:00:
9:10: 9:10:
9:20: 9:20:
9:30: 9:30:
9:40: 9:40:
9:50: 9:50:
Last talk
10:10 10:10
10:20 10:20
10:30 10:30
10:40 10:40
10:50 10:50
11:00 11:00