Wednesday, 29 March 2023 to Thursday, 30 March 2023

Providing in vivo data on ageing endpoints early in drug discovery

Thu30 Mar02:50pm(30 mins)


Finding interventions that slow ageing would help prevent several age-related diseases but testing large numbers of compounds for the ability to slow ageing cannot be done with conventional in vitro approaches. Instead, the nematode worm, C. elegans, which shows signs of ageing within a week can provide useful insight. At Magnitude Biosciences we have developed age-related functional endpoints by monitoring the movement of large populations worms across many conditions with our Wormgazer technology, which we are applying to several drug discovery programmes. The power of high throughput C. elegans assays will be to provide high quality in vivo data in parallel to cell culture to make sure that the drugs have a better chance of success when they move into preclinical studies.

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