EU-OPENSCREEN (EU-OS) is a European research infrastructure for chemical biology founded in 2018 to support chemical probe and drug discovery projects. Currently, it integrates more than 30 high-throughput screening and chemistry facilities from 10 different European countries. The European Chemical Biology Database (ECBD, https://ecbd.eu) is the central data hub for data generated within the EU-OS network. ECBD is operated by the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IMG) in Prague. ECBD is a web portal with powerful search and analysis capabilities and contains validated output from screening centres in public as well as the pre-release environment. ECBD is developed in line with the FAIR principles ensuring the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability of the data. The data are deposited with a flexible privacy model for rapid and safe dissemination and exploitation. Besides the web UI, ECBD also offers data access through an API and a database dump with all public data. As of April 2023, there are 11 public data sets available to the wide scientific community with almost 50 overall to be released once their embargo time period (up to 36 months) expires. To ensure the high reliability and safety of the service, ECBD is hosted in the Czech national IT infrastructure, CESNET.