Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Future trends in lab automation - an applied research perspective by nICLAS Innovation Centre

Wed28 Feb09:50am(45 mins)
Main Exhibition Hall
Plenary Keynote:


“Modern laboratories gain increasing importance in value-added process chains of life science industries. The information and knowledge generated at this quite often exerts an allocative function in companies. The related information flows, communication efforts and process complexity confront the stakeholders with hitherto unknown challenges. Within nICLAS - the innovation center for lab automation we develop technologies and concepts to empower the operator and user in the laboratory. The development of smart and sustainable human-machine as well as machine-machine interfaces will tremendously process efficiency and transparency. Future lab automation efforts must be implemented as modular and service-oriented ecosystems to foster volatile external requirements. nICLAS will outline exemplary components.

Hosted By


The European Laboratory Research & Innovation Group Our Vision : To provide outstanding, leading edge knowledge to the life sciences community on an open access basis

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