Drug Discovery 2014

SciLifeLab Drug Discovery and Development platform

Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) serves as a national infrastructure to support high-throughput and technically advanced research in the life science area. It is situated in Stockholm and Uppsala and is a collaboration between KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm University and Uppsala University.

In its Research and Innovation Bill 2013-2016, the Swedish government decided to increase the investment into SciLifeLab in order to make the center a national resource. The bill also declared that a drug discovery and development platform should be established at SciLifeLab, and should capitalize on existing innovative research at Swedish universities. In order to advance academic drug discovery, the platform has recruited scientists with proven track record in drug discovery and development, as well as built a state of the art technological environment. In this presentation, we will present our work on planning and building the national infrastructure, which just recently commenced operation.

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The European Laboratory Research & Innovation Group Our Vision : To provide outstanding, leading edge knowledge to the life sciences community on an open access basis

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