Drug Discovery 2014

Assay Plate Controls: A point of reference or a source of failure?

The bespoke nature and complexity of incorporating reference compound controls into assay ready plates via intermediary plates, necessitates a manual pipetting step which confers a source of error on the process and subsequently the final assay. An evaluation of the inherent risks involved in non-automated compound dispensing has been undertaken by comparison with off-line dispense as well as reference compound stability following short-term storage in solution. Pilot studies were conducted to understand the optimal points of typical high throughput screening (HTS) and design-make-test assay campaigns at which to conduct stability and purity testing of the control compound. These measures will allow screening scientists to select the most appropriate reference compound to use as a control prior to assay and also to appraise the performance of their designated reference compounds, consequently reducing the risks to the assay.

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