Drug Discovery 2014

Universally Screen Kinase Assays that were Miniaturized Using the Echo® Liquid Handler from Labcyte with BMG LABTECH’s PHERAstar FS

Kinases remain among the most important family of enzymes employed as drug targets because of their involvement in a myriad of cellular processes within the body. When one is seeking modulators of kinases it is beneficial to miniaturize drug target screening in order to save costs, but the miniaturized assays must still be robust in order to maintain high quality. A robust assay requires a reliable assay technology, proficient liquid handling and sensitive detection. These capabilities are met by the combination of Promega’s ADP-Glo assay, the Labcyte Echo liquid handler and detection with BMG LABTECH’s PHERAstar FS microplate reader. Here we describe how the Echo liquid handler and the PHERAstar FS are designed to dispense and measure small volume kinase assays. This is based on the ability of the Echo liquid handler to dispense small volumes into 1536 well plates using acoustic energy to transfer solutions in 2.5 and 25 nL increments in a tip-free, non-contact manner. Furthermore the advanced optical system of the PHERAstar FS allow for sensitive detection at any volume and in all microplate formats, even 3456-well.

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