Drug Discovery 2014

Accelerating Delivery of Compound Profiling Data to Enable Faster Discovery Decisions

Life Technologies, now a brand of Thermo Fisher, offers compound screening and profiling services for over 800 validated biochemical and cellular assays. With growing popularity for outsourcing, there has been an increased demand on service providers to deliver quality screening data faster in order to accelerate clients’ drug discovery decisions and medicinal chemistry efforts. Life Technologies recently released its new Accelerated Data Delivery™ capabilities for the SelectScreen® services which provide clients access to real-time data through a secure online portal. Instead of waiting until all data is completed and a final report is generated, clients can now receive 50-80% of their data within 2 days of project initiation. This offers them access to data from an outsourcing partner as if the screening is being performed internally in the lab next door. Additionally, clients can use the online tool to search their historical SelectScreen® data and either view it on-screen in a grid or heat map or download it to a preferred file format.

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