Drug Discovery 2014

Maximum Information Imaging; overcoming the challenges experienced with live cell studies

Cell-IQ has been designed specifically to overcome the many challenges associated with live cell imaging. Housing an optimised incubator and automated imaging and analysis platform, this system provides both label free and fluorescent options to automatically quantify multiple events central to your studies.

The advantages of using such technology are numerous, in addition to being able to observe and quantify cell behaviour in real time, this non-destructive technology allows samples to be further analysed e.g. RNA extraction providing a complete data set. The number of samples required is considerably less than for end point assays, minimising the use of precious cells/tissues and reagents and greatly reducing workload and cost.

Different cell types and morphologies can easily be distinguished and quantified allowing proliferation and toxicology assays to be performed with ease. Other quantifiable parameters include scratch wound area, cell movement, colony area, tubule and neurite length. The multi-fluorescence module enriches the data set further enabling reporter lines and specific gene/protein expression patterns to be monitored in real time. Furthermore, a user defined cellular environment provides a unique opportunity to perform hypoxic and normoxic studies in parallel allowing direct comparison of cellular data to be made.

Cell-IQ® is a complete platform for the maintenance, monitoring and measurement of cellular behaviour and provides a unique way forward for label free live cell experimentation.

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The European Laboratory Research & Innovation Group Our Vision : To provide outstanding, leading edge knowledge to the life sciences community on an open access basis

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