Drug Discovery 2022: driving the next life science revolution

Enhancing the lead discovery assay value chain by an orchestrated lab automation ecosystem

Time: To be announced
To be announced


The identification of high quality starting points for small molecule projects is the center of our Lead Discovery (LD) department. Knowing that we will move our teams into new buildings in 2024 has given us the unique opportunity to collectively rethink and challenge our current ways of working towards a holistic hardware and software infrastructure that is tailored to our needs to enable a fast portfolio delivery Based on an assessment of the status quo and the option space, we have designed a roadmap covering our entire assay value chain from compound handling to reagent supply to assay development and screening to fast turnover routine assays during medicinal chemistry optimization. Harmonization and facilitated access to automation systems across groups and the introduction of automation into traditionally not automation-naive disciplines will in the long term minimize the need for duplication of steps or time intensive transfer steps in cross-disciplinary setups. One key aspect of the solution concept is moving away from complex and static automation platforms to implementing a modular environment consisting of smaller, more approachable solutions that can be adapted to the respective demands. A key element is a modular design that enables a dynamic evolution of systems, a balanced parallel execution of primary screening campaigns and profiling assays and a reduced equipment redundancy. This evolving cross-disciplinary ecosystem is connected by a growing orchestration layer to facilitate tracking and fast decision making.

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The European Laboratory Research & Innovation Group Our Vision : To provide outstanding, leading edge knowledge to the life sciences community on an open access basis

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