// Pentomino Solution using Dancing links, Donald E. Knuth // Code by Andrew Stuart, 2011, 2023 #include "stdafx.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "conio.h" struct dlx // Dancing Links node { struct dlx *L; // Left struct dlx *R; // Right struct dlx *U; // Up struct dlx *D; // Down struct dlx *C; char N; int S; int id; int row_num; }; #undef VERSION_CHESSBOARD #define VERSION_SIX_BY_TEN #undef VERSION_FOUR_BY_FIFTEEN #undef VERSION_THREE_BY_TWENTY #ifdef VERSION_CHESSBOARD #define XSIZE 8 #define YSIZE 8 #define NROWS 1569 #define NCOLS 73 #define FILE_POSSIBLES "pent1568.txt" #endif #ifdef VERSION_SIX_BY_TEN #define XSIZE 10 #define YSIZE 6 #define NROWS 1901 #define NCOLS 73 #define FILE_POSSIBLES "pent1900.txt" #endif #ifdef VERSION_FOUR_BY_FIFTEEN #define XSIZE 15 #define YSIZE 4 #define NROWS 1243 #define NCOLS 73 #define FILE_POSSIBLES "pent1242.txt" #endif #ifdef VERSION_THREE_BY_TWENTY #define XSIZE 20 #define YSIZE 3 #define NROWS 793 #define NCOLS 73 #define FILE_POSSIBLES "pent792.txt" #endif struct dlx *web[NROWS][NCOLS], *h; struct dlx net[NROWS][NCOLS]; struct dlx *bigO[1000]; int target[NROWS][NCOLS]; FILE *res; int sols = 0; int int_solution[8*8]; int outfiles = 1; struct pent_definition { char pClass; // Name of Pentomino and class for HTML output char *pColour; // Bright colours for HTML output char *pPastel; // Pastel colours for HTML output int shape_x[5]; // Offsets that define the shape int shape_y[5]; } pentset[13] = { { 'F',"bb8957","bb8957",{2,0,1,2,1},{0,1,1,1,2} }, { 'L',"f7ae64","EDA09F",{0,1,1,1,1},{0,0,1,2,3} }, { 'I',"f7f74f","C67BC7",{0,1,2,3,4},{0,0,0,0,0} }, { 'P',"e03c3c","B2D98B",{0,1,2,1,2},{0,0,0,1,1} }, { 'N',"d42a78","8DB2DA",{0,0,1,1,1},{0,1,1,2,3} }, { 'T',"6666FF","C5C679",{0,0,1,2,0},{0,1,1,1,2} }, { 'U',"c63fd5","B38CDA",{0,1,0,0,1},{0,0,1,2,2} }, { 'V',"54dcd8","D9B38C",{2,2,0,1,2},{0,1,2,2,2} }, { 'W',"218721","DA8DB3",{0,1,1,2,2},{0,0,1,1,2} }, { 'X',"ee7db6","9EED9E",{1,0,1,2,1},{0,1,1,1,2} }, { 'Y',"86fb86","A09FEE",{2,0,1,2,3},{0,1,1,1,1} }, { 'Z',"CCCC33","7AC5C6",{1,2,1,0,1},{0,0,1,2,2} }, { 'O',"FFFFFF","FFFFFF",{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0} } // Hole - for gaps in board }; // To save run time when generating solutions the matrix is pre-generated here int CreatePentominoSet( void ) { int x,y,px[5],py[5],i,j,max,lmax,s,r,c[12],ct=0; bool outside; FILE *fid; fid = fopen("pent.txt","w"); for(s=0;s<12;s++) { c[s]=0; for(y=0;y XSIZE-1 || py[i] < 0 || py[i] > YSIZE-1 ) outside = true; if( (px[i] == 3 || px[i] == 4) && (py[i] == 3 || py[i] == 4) ) outside = true; #else if( px[i] < 0 || px[i] > XSIZE-1 || py[i] < 0 || py[i] > YSIZE-1 ) outside = true; #endif } if( outside == false ) { fprintf(fid,"%c,%d,",pentset[s].pClass,s); lmax = -1; for(j=0;j<5;j++) { max = 999; for(i=0;i<5;i++) if( (py[i])*XSIZE+px[i] > lmax && (py[i])*XSIZE+px[i] < max ) max = (py[i])*XSIZE+px[i]; fprintf(fid,"%d,",max); lmax = max; } fprintf(fid,"\n"); ct++; c[s]++; } } printf("%c: %d\n",pentset[s].pClass,c[s]); } fclose(fid); printf("Total: %d\n",ct); return 0; } void initialise( struct dlx *obj, char name, int size, int num, int row_num ) { obj->L = NULL; obj->R = NULL; obj->U = NULL; obj->D = NULL; obj->C = NULL; obj->N = name; obj->S = size; obj->id = num; obj->row_num = row_num; } void take_out_node( struct dlx *x ) { if( x->L->id >= NROWS*NCOLS || x->R->id >= NROWS*NCOLS || x->R->id >= NROWS*NCOLS || x->R->id >= NROWS*NCOLS ) { printf("error\n"); return; } x->L->R = x->R; x->R->L = x->L; x->D->U = x->U; x->U->D = x->D; x->C->S--; } void put_back_node( struct dlx *x ) { x->L->R = x; x->R->L = x; x->D->U = x; x->U->D = x; x->C->S++; } void Cover_Column( struct dlx *c ) { struct dlx *i, *j; for(i=c->D;i!=c;i=i->D) for(j=i->R;j!=i;j=j->R) { j->D->U = j->U; j->U->D = j->D; j->C->S--; } c->R->L = c->L; // Remove itself from the header list c->L->R = c->R; } void UnCover_Column( struct dlx *c ) { struct dlx *i, *j; for(i=c->U;i!=c;i=i->U) for(j=i->L;j!=i;j=j->L) { j->C->S++; j->D->U = j; j->U->D = j; } c->R->L = c; c->L->R = c; } void PrintSolution( void ) { int i,j,p; char outfile[1000]; sols++; if( (sols % 500) == 1 ) // Create more files if too many { sprintf(outfile,"pentominos%d.htm",outfiles++); res = fopen(outfile,"w"); fprintf(res,"Pentominos\n\n\n"); } fprintf(res,"


\n",sols); fprintf(res,"\n"); for(i=0;i\n"); for(j=0;j\n",pentset[p].pClass); } fprintf(res,"\n"); } fprintf(res,"
\n"); if( (sols % 500) == 0 ) { fprintf(res,"\n"); fclose(res); } } bool search( int k ) { struct dlx *c,*r,*j,*saver; int n,minc,p; char solution[XSIZE*YSIZE]; if( h->R == h ) { printf("Print solution %d at k= %d\r",sols,k); int_solution[0] = 0; for(n=0;nrow_num; saver = bigO[n]; for(r=bigO[n]->R;r!=bigO[n];r=r->R) if( r->row_num < minc ) { minc = r->row_num; saver = r; } if( bigO[n] != saver ) { p = bigO[n]->row_num-13; #ifdef VERSION_CHESSBOARD if( p > 26 ) p+=2; if( p > 34 ) p+=2; #endif solution[p] = saver->N; int_solution[p] = saver->row_num; } for(r=bigO[n]->R;r!=bigO[n];r=r->R) if( r != saver ) { p = r->row_num-13; #ifdef VERSION_CHESSBOARD if( p > 26 ) p+=2; if( p > 34 ) p+=2; #endif solution[p] = saver->N; int_solution[p] = saver->row_num; } } PrintSolution(); return true; } minc = 9999; for(r=h->R;r!=h;r=r->R) { if( r->S < minc ) { c = r; minc = r->S; } } Cover_Column(c); for(r=c->D;r!=c;r=r->D) { bigO[k] = r; for(j=r->R;j!=r;j=j->R) Cover_Column(j->C); search( k+1 ); r = bigO[k]; c = r->C; for(j=r->L;j!=r;j=j->L) UnCover_Column(j->C); } UnCover_Column(c); return false; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { FILE *fid; char line[1000], *ptr, ch; int sq[5],pent,i,j; int sqt[NCOLS]; //--------------------------------------------------------- // To save run time when generating solutions the node data is pre-generated //--------------------------------------------------------- // CreatePentominoSet(); // return 0; fid = fopen(FILE_POSSIBLES,"r"); if( !fid ) { printf("Cannot open %s for reading\n",FILE_POSSIBLES); return 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // create the node data //--------------------------------------------------------- for(j=0;j 26 ) sq[i]-=2; if( sq[i] > 32 ) sq[i]-=2; #endif target[j][sq[i]+13] = 1; sqt[sq[i]+13]++; } j++; } printf("j=%d\n",j); //--------------------------------------------------------- // Set up target matrix //--------------------------------------------------------- FILE *fod = fopen("targetmatrix.txt","w"); // Not necessary to print, just for look-see for(j=0;jrow_num != 0 ) { fclose(fod); printf("stop %d\n",target[j][i]); return 0; } } fprintf(fod,"\n"); } fclose(fod); //--------------------------------------------------------- // Find All Solutions //--------------------------------------------------------- search(0); return 0; }